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Saturday, July 28, 2012

adventures in computer training #5

As Tuesday approached, I was feeling more and more dread. My
computer was set up, but I didn't know how to create a Word
document. So I couldn't do my homework again.

Late Monday evening, I received a hint from a friend online about
how to use the search box. It worked! I went into my next
training session having completed the assigned work. That was a
huge relief.

As usual, I was quizzed on the commands I learned the week
before. I answered all correctly. It pays off to have a super

This week we worked on spell check. I learned how to start spell
check, find and select a suggestion, look for other suggestions
and exit spell check when finished. I also learned a few other
useful commands like fix all, ignore and ignore all.

My assignment was to write a two paragraph document and then run
spell check. Ironically, I spelled everything right. But I did
have many extra spaces in odd places. That's because my hand
keeps hitting the space bar on the Focus braille display. Spell
check helped me get rid of those spaces. I like that.

I wasn't down on myself this week, but I was still in a serious
mood. My trainer kept trying to get me to chat or lighten up. I'm
not sure why I'm being mega-serious during this computer
training. I'm usually cracking jokes every chance I get.

Well, my teacher did make me laugh, but he was actually being
serious. He said he has six other students and I'm the top
student. He says I'm a fast learning. That might be true because
I already know the concepts involved. I do all this stuff on my
Braillenote. However, the idea of me being the best strikes me as

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