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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

On your birthday, 2007

May 22, 2007

Dear Joseph,

Happy Birthday! Today you are six years old. Six! Such a big
number for such a big boy.

This has been a busy, exciting, eventful and traumatic year for
you, Joseph. There have been a lot of changes in your life. This
is the year I left your father, and we moved to Ohio to live with
Grandma Lois and Grandpa Pete. I did what I believed was best for
you. I know becoming a child of divorce is horrible and scary,
but I believe in my heart I had to do it to save us. I can only
hope that some day you will understand this and forgive me for
any pain I caused you.

You are absolutely thriving in your new life in Ohio. You
attended Kindergarten at Longcoy Elementary School, my old
school. Miss Pletzer is an awesome teacher, and you've had a
wonderful school year. This has been the magical year that you
learned to read, and what a reader you have become! We call you a
reading machine. I was amazed as you learned more skills and
figured out how to put letters together to make words, and words
together to make sentences. It is now the end of the school year,
and you are reading and writing at mid-first grade level. Way to
go, Joseph!

You have made advancements in your social development. You love
being with your friends more than anything in the world. It must
be wonderful to have Robbie and Alex to place with each day. I
just wish you boys wouldn't get in quite so much trouble. (smile)

This is the year you learned to ride your bike without training
wheels. You probably think that was your most important
accomplishment ever. Oh how you love to ride your bike!

You have been busy with activities this year. You enjoyed story
hour, swimming lessons, soccer, ice skating, and tee-ball. You
love to go to the playground, especially the Huge Playground in
Stow. You have a special bond with Grandpa Pete, and you two
often go to Burger King Of course, you like going to movies and
special events with your friends. Finn is a great friend for play

I have been so proud to watch you grow and gain confidence in
yourself. You are no longer a shy, little loner. You are happy
and love to try new things and meet new people. You even try to
eat new foods and have discovered you like peas and chips with
salsa. And we continue to have a never ending argument about
crust. I can understand that many children do not eat sandwich or
toast crust. But I swear Joseph... apples and English Muffins do
not have crust!

You and I have a pretty good relationship. You think I'm funny,
and tell me I'm silly. I love to make you laugh. Being your mommy
is wonderful. You are no longer my little
baby, yet, you will always be my special boy.

Have fun being six!


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