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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Tech Talk

 I haven't written a tech update in years. There's been so many devices, I couldn't list them all. Tech is always changing. Devices have come and gone. Some broke or wore out. Others became obsolete, and there have been failures. When it comes to actual computers, and laptops, we are talking about many, many failures. My inability to master the computer has been frustrating.

I have what I often call my braille machine I've been using note takers for the blind since 2005. In all, there have been six different note takers, made by two different companies.

Currently I'm using a Braille Sense Polaris, which is made by HIMS. I hate, hate, hate this machine. It wasn't an upgrade to a better device. It was just a big mistake  that HIMS should be ashamed of. I've been using the Polaris for two years, and I have hated every minute of it.

A year ago, my tech trainer took it away, so I could get a Braille Sense 6. But I Can Connect determined it was merely an upgrade for the sake of upgrading, and they don't allow that. Whoever made that decision has never used the Polaris. So my trainer brought it back, and I still hate it.

Note takers for the blind are a dying type of technology. The current best options are all lousy. That includes the Braille Sense 6 and BrailleNote Touch. People who are blind tend to prefer smart phones and laptops. Even in the old days, I was considered odd because I loved note takers so much.

The Polaris marked my first time having to use a braille keyboards. If you don't know what that is, google "Perkins brailler." The keyboard only has nine keys. You literally type in braille.

That's not a problem for most people who are blind. They learn to write braille as they learn to read it. Just like with sighted people learning to read and write. I'm self taught in braille. I only learned to read. I've had the Polaris for two years, and I still struggle to type in uncontacted braille. It's pathetic.

My mind is very much qwerty. Why don't I use a USB or Bluetooth keyboard? I tried both, but there are issues. There are always issues. For example, the right shift key doesn't work. When I touch type, nothing from the left side of the keyboard is in caps. Plus numbers and symbols don't work. If I tried to use the braille keyboard to type a symbol, the rest of the document would have to be typed in braille. There's no going back and forth.

But Angie, if you can't type in braille, how are you typing this long blog?

The greatest note taker of all time is the BrailleNote Apex, created by Humanware. It was number 4 of the 6 note takers I've used. It's my writing machine. You know how writers are. They have their own special way of writing, and they don't deviate from it. This might be a computer,  an old style type writer or even writing by hand. The Apex is my method. It's a truly ancient machine. I did a trade-in right before they stopped making the device. When this one dies, the world as I know it will be over.

Still, there's not much I can do with the Apex. It won't connect to the internet. I write, using the nifty qwerty keyboard, and save to a USB drive. Then I need help from someone with a laptop to post my blog. It's not the best system.

I used to be able to write using the Apex and then email on the Polaris. Now the Polaris won't connect to the internet. Too many obstacles are getting in the way.

The epic disaster occurred when Gmail and other email providers switched to using  two step authorization to login. None of the note takers can handle it. There was a way around this that involved using an app on a smart phone to login  then.... do something. It was kind of iffy, prone to problems. Now it's no good for me. I can't email on the Apex or the Polaris. Welcome to the 21st century, Boomer.

It's not all bad news. I can use the Polaris as a braille display to read my Iphone SE. I love texting this way. It gives me access to facebook, news Fitbit,  Messenger, Google, Kindle and a lot of other apps. Not all apps are accessible. Some are only partially accessible. But there is so much that can be done using a smart phone.

The downfall for me: lack of training and the stupid braille keyboard. There's always something holding me back.

Lets talk about the computer, and other computer, the third computer and the laptop. The bad news is that I failed them all, and now I need a new laptop if I want to try again. But I figured out what the problem is. I can't get comfortable with the keyboard and braille display. You see, with a note taker you get a built in braille display right under the keyboard. They are the same length. It's super easy to switch from reading and typing.

Not so easy with a computer. You use a stand alone braille display that is not connected to the keyboard and  probably not the same length. Many people set it up side by side. That method didn't work for me. I tried putting the display in front of the keyboard. That didn't work with the laptop because of the touch pad. I found myself having to reach for the keyboard. Excuses, excuses.

No, really. I have muscle pain syndrome in my arms from over use. Chronic pain is not a fun reality. I need to be set up in a perfect position or the pain become intolerable. I was glad to finally realize this.

That brings us up to yesterday's tech session. It was another two hours of my trainer trying to fix the Polaris. The Polaris refused to be fixed. Dang machine!

But I got to play with a new toy, and I really like it. The plans for my tech future have taken an unexpected turn. I never thought I'd give up my precious note takers. If I Can Connect will agree, that's exactly what I will do. I'm still in shock.

The new device is called the Mantis Q40, made by Humanware. It has the look of a note taker, with a braille display built in under a qwerty keyboard. The actual device is very limited. The real purpose of the Mantis is to use as a braille display with a smart phone or even a laptop. I'd be able to qwerty type on my Iphone. That would allow me to get more out of the phone and be comfortable using a laptop.

I am hoping for: the Mantis braille display, a new Iphone and a new laptop.

I will need to do a lot of training to learn how to use all of this technology. And then I'd need more training, never ending training. I'm ready for it. When it happens, you can come to my "I will never use they Polaris again" party. It will be a smash.


Another attempt to fix the Polaris email failed.

ICC agreed to and has ordered me a new Iphone.

They do not want to get me a new laptop because I don't use the one I have.

They do not think I need the Mantis because I have a Polaris.

The Polaris has a few faulty braille cells and will need to be repaired.   

Angie C. Orlando

March 2023

Permission is granted to share. 

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